American Flag Star Initiative - Salute our active service, veterans & first responders!
All Items you see are FREE! Send an Inquiry through the email below.
Veterans CLICK HERE to get your tickets!
The link above will take you to the website which will explain how Vets can sign up to get free tickets to various shows and sporting events.
“I was in the Marines and use the tickets quite frequently with my family. When you sign up you are limited to 4 tickets per person and you pay a handling fee which the most we have paid is $14. Now that was for 4 tickets that cost over $250. Other handling fees have been $3. We have gone to Phillies games, the Keswick Theatre, The Kimmel Center, and various other venues. It is something that all Vets should check out. Hope this helps.”
~ SK George Gillin, Grand Knight of James F. Fernery St Helena Council 14210
Bucks County Tour of Honor
APRIL 24TH, 2023
Bucks County Tour of Honor’s mission is to thank and pay tribute to our United States Military Veterans by transporting them, as our guest, to Washington DC to visit the memorials built in their honor. At present our major focus is WWII veterans and terminally ill veterans, who are given top priority. We are also accepting applications for Korean War and Vietnam Era veterans at this time. Each veteran will be paired with a guardian that will provide assistance to the veteran throughout the Bucks County Tour of Honor experience.
VIETNAM ERA VETERAN APPLICATION - Whose service dates fall between February 28, 1961 through May 7, 1975.
GUARDIAN APPLICATION - Guardians must be between the ages of 18 and 65 years of age. Spouses of veterans may not serve as guardians.
For more details: Contact Sir Knight Al Perry at (215) 237-7302 or
Founded in 2015, Warrior Rising started by Veterans, for Veterans. The Warrior Rising team has a singular goal: transform Veterans into Vetrepreneurs. Warrior Rising is a national non-profit organization dedicated to helping U.S. Military veterans achieve success in their business. Tomko’s Sir Knight Ken Vennera is our contact liaison.
American Flag Star Initiative
Sir Knight Herb Kaemmer presenting a “You Are Remembered and Appreciated” American Flag Star to a veteran.
Sir Knight Herb Kaemmer makes a presentation to 70 veterans from various conflicts. This presentation took place at Washington Crossing. Two members of the group served in World War II.
The program's purpose is to engage and acknowledge those who served in any branch of the military, first responders such as Police, Fire, and Medical personnel. It's a small gesture of gratitude and appreciation that the recipient and presenter receive well. Such a small thing makes a significant impact!
Keep a few in your pocket to present to random encounters. Programs like Honor Flight and Tour of Honor give the stars to the veterans who travel to Washington, DC, to visit the military memorials.
If you, your council, or the assembly are interested in obtaining stars for your distribution, contact Sir Knight Thomas Pagnotti. Tom is the lead for the American Flag Star Initiative program. All stars, reading, and zip bags are provided. The Star Initiative is FREE. Use the form below for your inquiry.
Wreath Across America Ceremony
Location: St John Neumann Cemetery
There is no better time to express appreciation than during the holiday season. In many homes, there is an empty seat for one serving or making the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Show our veterans we are thankful for them, and they will always be remembered.
The Fr. Joseph C. Tomko Assembly 934, our Pius IX Council 4396, and the VFW Post 3258 stood Honor Guard for the day's event laying wreaths for each branch of military service. Fr. Chung of St. Maria Goretti lead the prayer service.
Tomko’s Sir Knight Don Yost: Bio.
Don Yost served as a Combat Infantryman and War Correspondent with the U.S. Army’s Americal Division, 11Th Infantry Brigade in Vietnam in the area around MyLai from 1968-1969 and is Combat Infantryman’s Badge and Purple Heart recipient.
His book, “Blessings: Transforming My Vietnam Experience” is published by Sheed & Ward.
He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature from Seton Hall University, and his Master’s Degree in English Literature and Publishing from Rosemont College. Don is Founding President of the Montgomery County, PA Chapter #349 of the Vietnam Veterans of America veteran’s organization, and has conducted support groups for Vietnam Veterans dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Don has also written other engaging books such as “Henry” a sequel to Stephen Crane’s “The Red Badge of Courage.”